…and blooming.

I had to share this simple but beautiful message I (Kevin) received from my mother last week.  I hope it speaks for itself…

This bush is outside our window. We were told to pull
it out or cut it down, but for the last few weeks ten
beautiful flowers have been living right in the middle
of it. This past week two new flowers bloomed and I
just went out to take a picture and saw that there are
several more buds. Their environment looks harsh and
threatening  but they live and grow in spite of that.
In fact, the contrast makes them appear even more
beautiful. They are fulfilling their purpose of 
reflecting God's glory. They are surviving, even
thriving, under their circumstances (the sprinklers
don't reach them so they have gotten very little water
this summer). They bring me much joy and I thank God
for them daily. I even have new hope for the bush.

Aren't our flowers beautiful? I know that God has a
special purpose for them and finds them even more 
beautiful because they are faithfully fulfilling that

Love, Mom/Grandma

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