The Esther School Opens!

It has been a glorious day! We woke up early to join in prayer with many of you back in the States, Canada and around the world to pray for the opening day. It was so empowering knowing how many people were on their knees in prayer at the same time in the name of Jesus. So unbelieveably powerful. Thank you all so much! I must say, your prayers were felt! Opening day was amazing. All 50 children arrived in their uniforms, new shoes, and backpacks. Such a sweet sight.

The first day of school is something we’ve been talking about for quite some time. Back in 2008 when I, Tina, first visited Zambia, The Esther School was still yet a dream! We were here training GEMS leaders and “on the side” looking for land for the school. Never in a million years would I have believed you if you told me that four years later I would be the one present on opening day! What a gift! We have been so busy around here trying to get things ready that I hadn’t really been thinking about how I would feel on this day. It started settling in as Arika and I each held a hand of a little girl named Jane. Jane is adorable…and is in Ms. Rachel’s kindergarten class. When we arrived to the preschool/kindergarten building the kids were busy washing hands and getting their breakfast. After breakfast I was able to help grandma jean by escorting her little preschoolers into their new room. As I held their tiny hands and walked with them into their new classroom I just watched their little eyes light up. After the final student was in and busy with their table time Jean walked over and gave me a giant hug! And with that, it was real. This day was finally here. After years and years of dreaming, praying, and planning. Years of designing posters, promotional packets, and bulletin covers. These children were no longer a picture on my computer screen halfway around the world. They were here, at the Esther School, holding my hand and so happy…so excited…so full of hope. It was just a grand day…I’m having a hard time expressing it in words (plus my eyes are getting teary)…so I will let you enjoy some photographs of the day. Please keep praying for these tiny little souls. For the teachers as well, and the administrators. There is still much to be done so your prayers are greatly needed. Blessings!




















9 thoughts on “The Esther School Opens!

  1. Oh, my goodness – all the happy faces!! I can’t imagine the joy you must feel to finally have the school open. The kids all look so clean and excited to be students at the Esther School. Blessings to all of you!!

  2. We can’t find words that adequately express our feelings and it is really difficult to see well enough to type through tears. So, we will say,”congratulations on a wonderful beginning”. It is obvious that God was honored. We love you! Mom and Dad

  3. What amazing pictures. I think back to the girl’s first day of school and I can see so much of the same excitement. We have been following your posts closely; thanks so much for the updates! We are keeping you close in our prayers.

  4. Dear Friends in Christ,
    This brought tears to my eyes…tears of joy at the faces of these children! Thank you for making each one of them feel so special…and they truly are to God! May you and yours be truly blessed as well!
    Blessings from Donnie Waterhouse

  5. I remember when the first talks were between Jan and some representatives from areas in Africa. Who knew then that today we would be honoring God’s calling by opening a beautiful school for His children in Zambia. God choose all of you that are there today to be His hands and feet. What a gift! May you bask in the happiness of all those benefiting from you answering that call. God BLESS you all.

  6. When we left the first message we hadn’t received Tina’s message-just the pictures. When the words showed up we chuckled at how similar our thoughts and words were to hers. Give our love to our precious boys. Mom DK

  7. This makes me joyful to share this time with you even in pictures and words – you are so far away in miles – but our love of the Lord and the children draws us all together. – Darlene Hammer

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