A New Year

I can’t believe we have entered the year 2014. What an amazing journey we have been on over the last few years, but I know that God has more in store! Christmas this year was one of pure thanksgiving. As Kevin stated in an earlier post, with the help of some dear friends we were able to take the boys away for a little R&R. It was an amazing trip, full of adventure, which is right up our alley. We had some special times with the boys, some much needed time for our marriage, and most of all quiet mornings where we were able to sit outside and spend some time with God and in His word. It was truly relaxing…and we were thankful for every single minute of it. It fully refreshed us and made us most ready to get back to The Esther School and get ready for 2nd semester. Here are a few pictures from Christmas and our time away.


The kids were very excited to get back…mostly to see the Roelof kids. :o) They were also excited when Kevin told them that the bananas were ready to be harvested! We have been waiting for this moment for so long…we planted a few scraggly banana tree shoots back in August of 2012 and have been slowly watching them grow. This past summer the first tree started flowering…and not long after we saw the beginning of bananas! But it has been a slow process and now finally…in a new year…in 2014 we were able to cut the first bunch down! We still have to be patient as the bananas now need to ripen once cut, but we are all very excited for that first banana. Our work here in Zambia is very similar…as we started planting seeds that first summer in 2012. We have seen so many flowers start to blossom over the last year and a half. And although we might not still be here when those flowers turn into ripe bananas, we are so very moved, humbled yet proud, of these littleflowers and all the potential that is soon to burst forth! So fitting that we could harvest these bananas to start the new year. This first picture is of the boys planting our first trees when we first arrived in Zambia…the rest are of the harvest!



There are a lot of things happening around campus, yet again. I was busy with laundry all day (I will never complain about laundry in the states again with a washer and dryer!) and kids are in the bathtub as we speak, getting cleaned up for dinner, and then bed. All of the teachers, and Kevin are attending a 2-day teaching workshop near lusaka today and tomorrow. Parent volunteers have been busy around campus planting and working in the fields. The married housing duplex is getting it’s finishing touches so Dave & Jillian can hopefully move in this week. School begins on Wednesday. Classrooms are cleaned, rearranged, and ready for a new unit. We are so excited to see all of the students again and can’t wait to see what the rest of this year brings. His blessings to you and yourfamilies in 2014! Enjoy some pictures of some of the events happening around here…Image
































Prayer requests:

For the first day of school – teachers and students will be ready and focussed

It is officially rainy season – prayers for safe travel for our students to and from campus

For relationships, for family time, for patience :o)

For visitors! We have many visitors coming over the next few months. Prayers for safe travels

For safety and health for our children, in our home and our students

For new families and teachers who plan to join The Esther School team this summer

Thank you for your continued prayer and support! We say this a million times, but they are truly felt here in Zambia! In Him, the DeKam fam

8 thoughts on “A New Year

  1. I’m jealous! You get to harvest peanuts!! Wow!! and bananas!! what an awesome garden you have. It’s good to hear that you are doing well. I pray for you daily. May God bless you in your work there.

  2. What a great looking family, Tina! Loved all of the pictures! So happy that your time away was such a blessed one! I am continuing to keep you in prayer and thank you for the specific requests.
    May each of you have a fresh start and a blessed 2014 full of God abundant blessings!
    In Christian Love, Donnie Waterhouse

  3. It’s so good that your family could get away for some R&R and enjoy some of the unique country that you are in. I’m thankful, too, that you can begin the new school semester and New Year refreshed and renewed.
    May God bless you richly in the New Year.


  4. Hi Tina! Your pictures are great! I love reading your post, it always brings tears to my eyes to read about what amazing things God is doing! Your vacation looked beautiful, I’m so glad you had that opportunity to get away for a bit for some much needed R&R. And your hair looks so long,! 🙂
    I’m keeping you and your family in my prayers, along with everyone at Esther School. God Bless and Happy New Year!

    Kristin Hilty

  5. Hi Tina-

    So good to hear from you. So glad that you got some time a way to rest and relax with your family. You MIL had a great time sharing and helping you out.
    We will pray for the school start up, rainy season, visitors and safety of each one of you.
    Kevin – In Israel, they cover the bananas with blue bags to help in the ripening process. They also cover their banana trees with large covering to protect them from the “bad” sun rays. I don’t know if you could use this info, but thought that I would share it. The bananas look great!
    Dave and Char Troost

  6. Love, love, love these pics!!! What an amazing time for you and your family…sounds like it was much needed and much appreciated!
    We are going to pray for the things on your list…your work there is almost done…so hard to believe…praying you through this final chapter! Keep the pics coming!

  7. Thanking God with you for your safe and refreshing Christmas break, and for the wonderful (finally) harvest of bananas. You will bake wonders with them:) Prayed through your list of requests this morning. May this semester truly be a blessing to all.

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