Got Milk?

Our two youngest boys, Rowan and Hudson love milk. They even have heated discussions about who loves it more! This morning was special because we made pancakes…one of the boys favorites. And both Rowan and Hudson asked for a glass of milk to go with the yummy pancakes. I poured them two glasses of milk, turned around to flip the pancakes, turned around and both glasses of milk were gone…already drank them right down. Kevin and I are constantly telling the boys that they musn’t drink all their milk before they eat! So I started in on my daily lecture about when they drink all their milk before they eat, the milk will fill up all the “spots in their tummies” and when it comes time for the “real food” there won’t be any room. I went on to say that milk is indeed good for them…but they need real food even more…some substance…so they won’t get hungry right away. The milk will fill their bellies temporarily…they will be hungry again soon! They need something that will get them off to school and through the day! And it hit me like a ton of bricks. I have been drinking too much “milk”…not real milk. But I have been filling my time and my brain with “stuff”. Stuff that I really like…”I’ll just quick check facebook…I’ll just send this one email…I’ll quick just do the dishes/clean up the house…I’ll quick just make this call…” You get the picture. These things are not “bad” things. But they are the “milk”…filling me up that so when I finally sit down and have some “real food” (my time with God, my devotions, reading the word)…I’m already full…full of stuff…full only temporarily which will leave me hungry all day. But just like I told my kids…When you eat some “real food” first…you will be prepared for the day. Have the milk later and enjoy it. Every. Single. Drop. God doesn’t want us to live a life without enjoyment. He created us each as unique individuals with passion, with a love for so many different things! But he wants us to fill up on Him first. That is when we will truly feel satisfied.

I have been trying to dig into His word…I’ve been trying to do it first thing! It’s much easier said than done. We just had a great message at church about hungering for God’s word. His example is a bit different than mine. He was telling us how at night, when he’s watching TV and a commercial comes on about some kind of yummy food, even if he’s not hungry, he then wants a snack! When you are trying to convince someone to try something, you really should give them a taste…a sample…and most of the time they are hooked! They want more. The same is true with God’s word our pastor spoke about “milk” in a different sense. In 1 Peter 2:2 it says, “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.” His point is that once you open your Bible and start reading, you will get a taste and you will want more. You will crave what the Lord has to say to you. It is my prayer for you and I hope you will all pray for me, as we delve into the word and crave for more!

Thought I would share some photos from the past few weeks. It has been exciting! I have had the opportunity to volunteer a bit more in some of the teachers classrooms, now with Hudson in school 3 days a week. I’m helping with one-on-one reading in Grade 1 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I meet with 4 different students individually and try to encourage them with their sounds and words. In Kindergarten I am helping with “Around the World”. The students learn about a different country every week, pray for the people there, and try some kind of food from that country…this week was Mexico and we had Hot Chocolate. Mmmmmm. And starting next week I will hopefully be able to help with “flower arranging” during Center Time in Preschool. I’m very excited to see more of those little faces that pass by our house every morning. Some other exciting things that happened this week…water issues again, had to pull the pump, but it was successful! Fixed the leak and back to pumping. We also got to eat our harvested bananas. They are awesome and we are enjoying them every day! And one of the pictures is of Drew and Kevin grilling in the rain!

It’s beautiful weather here…warm, clear skies, just had a pop up rain shower and now the sun is shining bright. We see many rainbows here. God’s little gift to us. Blessings to you all! Tina<!






















2 thoughts on “Got Milk?

  1. Kevin and Tina,
    Thanks for your awesome posts! I love reading them and seeing those beautiful faces! Your post hit home and hard this time. So true; caught up in all that stuff life gives you. It’s constant decision making to put God first. Thanks again for the updates!

  2. Hi Tina,
    Thank you for sharing this wonderful experience! Love the pics, too! I am praying for you and the family….all of you who are a part of this wonderful work of our Lord in Zambia!!
    God’s blessings to you from cold and snowy West Michigan, Donnie

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