Blessings Shower the Esther School

Today started like any normal day here. I got up at 5:30 to beat the Internet traffic and catch up on a few emails. After devotions, I headed out to check on the start of school and pray with the teachers. I then took off to pick up some food for lunch this week. I was able to get a box of tomatoes from a neighbor but struck out with the guy who was supposed to have saved some chickens for us. After asking around and making numerous phone calls I found some were ready at the Bible College that we work closely with. They were big and at a good price, but also at the end of a 30 minute drive through the bush during rainy season on roads that are barely passable to begin with.

I was able to get the birds, as well as some medicine and information from the American doctor there before returning, bringing a few hitchhikers with me who were leaving the clinic and trying to make it, with their newborn baby, to Chongwe which was, after the half hour ride to the road, another 20 minute drive on good road. I dropped them as far as my own village and either wished them well or deeply offended them in their native tongue.

When I finally got back to the village I was met by our local nurse who flagged me down saying she had received an emergency call from a young woman in labor trying to walk to our local clinic. So, once again, truck becomes ambulance as she jumped in, along with her elderly assistant and the 15 protesting chickens who somehow didn’t appreciate their stay of execution.

We sped back in the same direction, passing the confused hitchhikers, again walking, and travelled a short distance before finding a young woman doubled over along the road that I hadn’t noticed on the way. We quickly loaded her and brought her to the clinic before the other 16 of us returned to school. Upon arrival, because of the extra time taken, I had the pleasure of assisting in the dispatch of my remaining travel partners so as not to further delay lunch.

Fortunately, I was interrupted by a team of local bureaucrats who were checking the damage from last weeks’ storm and our subsequent progress. After meeting with them for some time I returned to help serve my old friends as part of a nutritious lunch. Just another morning at the office…

It’s so hard to believe that just one week ago we were scrambling in a downpour to assess and react to the damage inflicted by the storm that leveled our preschool building. With the help of so many in the village we were able to ensure that not a minute of school was missed. Our children returned, so pleased to find many of their things still intact and ready for them in the library. We gathered in prayer at the site of the disaster and offered thanks that no one was injured. We talked with the children about how we don’t put our hope, faith and trust in bricks, buildings or plans, but in our God alone who is bigger than any of those things.

While this has been a setback, we are so encouraged by the outpouring of support locally and across the globe. We have received many visits from local friends and government officials. We were even featured on the national news service, meaning that the story of the Esther School was literally piped into multiple thousands of homes across the country. More text messages have followed and we are grateful for the exposure.

We would also like to thank so so many of you who sent messages of support and helped spread the word about the need. We were overwhelmed by the inspiring verses, assurances of prayer and words of encouragement. Many of you have also asked about giving. For the sake of efficiency and accountability, I would direct anyone who feels led to give to send designated gifts directly through GEMS Girls Clubs or via the website at Gifts given there can be specified for “The Esther School”, then “where most needed”.

Thank you again for your support. Below are some updated pictures.



The preschool class set up 2 hours after the storm


Mamas cleaning the toys the next day


The girls playing chiatu





Brenda helping momma in the kitchen


The preschool’s new breakfast spot

Talking to the individual classes about what happened

The morning after…

Pumpkin leafs damaged by hail

Repairs beginning

Praying with the student body and staff over the preschool building


Our new chapel spot outside the kindergarten

singing in chapel

Getrude leads chapel


The preschool is being rebuilt!


Katie V visiting the Esther School


4 thoughts on “Blessings Shower the Esther School

  1. Yes, God is indeed bigger than anything we experience! So praising Him for what is happening! Love seeing the pictures. The Second Reformed Church family has all of you in prayer!
    Praying continually, Donnie Waterhouse

  2. Thanks for the update. Grandpa read it as we waited for his treatments to be completed. I even saw a smile – and he shared the pictures with Nurse Rick as he poked and prodded. Great entertainment as we wait. We both send our love. Mom and Grandpa
    P.S. we will be facing more boredom Wednesday and Friday, so we will be looking for another update.

  3. Kevin,
    It’s amazing the progress that has already been made! God has used this tragedy for His glory…I can’t believe that story about it being on the news…Love it!
    Thanks for the pics…you guys have been on our hearts and minds and the kids pray for you and for the school everyday!
    Keep the updates coming!

  4. Kevin and all who bless our brothers and sisters in Christ!
    It is so delightful to see the school being rebuilt. It makes me think of how our loving Father doesn’t give up on us no matter how frustrating we must be; He keeps building and repairing and rebuilding His children when we are broken by the storms in our lives. We and many others who we have shared our love for God’s work at the Esther school at Covenant CRC are in prayer for you and God’s work through you all.
    Our love and encouragement, Gord and Bonnie

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