Ever Faithful

We promised to tell of God’s Faithfulness and will continue to today. Had we written an update over the past few days (as I know many of you were anxious for!) you would likely have heard of more frustrations, of doubt, of backup planning, but we had boldly (was it foolishly?) proclaimed that we were choosing faith. Our faith often falters but His Faithfulness never will.

I will admit that after hearing nothing new all week and into the weekend we had started checking into alternate flights which, between ridiculous costs and even worse itineraries, we’re not looking pretty. By yesterday we had all but resigned ourselves to postponing the return trip and forfeiting a few details like a direct route, a Grand Rapids arrival, reasonable price and our extra family day during the layover. This morning a last minute check gave no more hope, but we decided to head off to church in Lusaka and pick our poison when we got back.

Just as we were walking out the door the phone rang. It was the Consular himself calling to say that he had been given the green light to process a few of the many waiting visas and had chosen ours among them. We headed straight there and he met us in the parking lot in workout clothes. When I joked about his appearance he admitted that he had just come in to use the Embassy gym and decided to check his email first just in case. When he saw the permission to print the visas he assembled core staff to process them and it was ready when we arrived. We were only about a half hour late to church, which isn’t far off from what we would be on a normal Sunday!

Since we hadn’t selected a new flight, our original tickets or hotel were never cancelled, so we are back on track without having to make any further changes. Now I just need to start packing! There are a few other details and amazing chapters to the story that I won’t publish here until we are safely home and, obviously, many human hands were at work in the process (thank you so much Dan and Rob), but once again God has delivered and proven his faithfulness. Please join us in thanking Him and, as I said:

We will see you soon!

7 thoughts on “Ever Faithful

  1. Praising our awesome God!!!!!!!! As I read your post and type this to you, Chris Tomlin’s “Whom Shall I Fear?” is playing in the background at our house….the very same song I quoted to you with your last post. Oh, HE IS SO FAITHFUL, and He DOES go before you, stand behind and has HIS angel armies right beside YOU!!!!! Can you hear our family cheering from here?!?!? We WILL see YOU SOON!!!! Now get packing :).

    Love, arika, drew & crew

  2. Oh, Kevin and Tina, I am so praising the Lord while crying tears of JOY!!!! I had a phone call from Dianne to give me the blessed news and she said that you had sent this through. So here I am, praying for your traveling mercies, and thanking God for his faithfulness….and yours! Oh my, I am so overwhelmed with this wonderful news that has come! My prayers will continue to be with each one of you and I can not wait to meet Teya!
    In Christian Love and praise to our Lord! Donnie Waterhouse

  3. Soooo happy for your family. God is good – all the time. Will be praying now for safe travels and peace of mind. Al and Toni TerMolen

  4. Praise God for answered Prayer!! We had a great message on prayer today and we offered a pray for God’s help and provision and now we thank and praise Him along with you. God keep and bless you all! Love Gord and Bonnie

  5. Praising God with you that He hears and answers prayer! Safe travels home and blessings on your reunion with family and friends! Larry and Jana Plaisier

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