Year One

It’s as hard to believe as it is ironic that we are celebrating the one year anniversary of our departure for Zambia while back in the States! When we left one year ago today, we weren’t sure we would be able to return during our 2 year term. We are so grateful to God and our supporters that we were able to afford a much needed respite and have been enjoying our time here.

Tina and the boys have been home for about 5 weeks and I (Kevin) for the past month. I will be leaving on Saturday to relieve Drew, take over some projects, and get a jump on the fast-approaching school year. Tina and the boys will return on August 6 along with our good friends, Andy and Tara Schreur who will help out with some construction work, set up the new classroom, and finish outfitting the recently completed teacher’s quarters, or TQ2 as we call it. Tina is also very grateful for the help she’ll have traveling back with the kids.

While here we have had a great time catching up with family and friends, visiting several supporting schools and churches and conducting some business. Most of our time has been spent relaxing, recharging, and enjoying the beautiful Michigan summer! We are very grateful to each of our parents for allowing us to crash with them off and on as home base and for the many gracious friends who have invited us to enjoy meals, cabins, pools and boats. I think we’ve made the most of the opportunities and have even had to leave a few offers on the table!

We’ve had a chance to celebrate most of our birthdays together and Tina and I recently celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary with a rare night away alone. Again, thanks to all who have made these opportunities possible with hospitality, childcare and gifts. We have been so blessed and feel well prepared to return to our responsibilities in Zambia. We are looking forward to getting back to it, to reconvening with new team members in place, and to being able to hit the ground running this year. Please pray for a safe, productive and blessed year two!

2 thoughts on “Year One

  1. I will be praying for all of you, Kevin! So excited to get to be with you, Tina and the boys this Wednesday at Second Reformed. What a blessing that will be!
    God’s blessings be upon each of you from Donnie Waterhouse

  2. I’m thankful, Kevin and Tina, you were able to enjoy celebrations, relaxation and renewal with family and friends in Michigan — a fitting way to prepare for your second year of ministry. I feel so privileged to have had a small piece of your Michigan time, Tina. I have great admiration and respect for both of you. Be assured that my prayers go with you — for safety, good health, strength and wisdom for each task, and God’s surprising blessings on your ministry as the Spirit does His work through you.


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